Area of affect radius is now gone, so you have no idea what area that building is going to affect. Moving on to Tropico 5 and its clear to see at first play that there is A LOT missing from it. Thoroughly enjoyed it, found it very funny and a nice change from the average city builder where you micro everything. Area of affect radius is now gone, so you have no idea what area that building is going to I joined the Tropico franchise at number 4. I joined the Tropico franchise at number 4. I don't understand why I thought this may have been better, seeing that Kalypso is in a bit of a slump at the moment. I think Haemimont and Kalypso really need to get their act together, After that tremendous flop that was Omerta and now this. But not much else has changed and had only really taken a step backwards. But this could just be the early stages of the game.

It also is quite tough on the hardware, I would suggest using a beefy computer. Also not having the faction figureheads stating what's going on really lets the game down. Even the Caricatures seem a bit lifeless. Bland and characterful comparing to previous games. And going through the list is a gruelling task as you have to go through each name INDUVIDUALLY by scrolling to the side. Did I mention you can't have your own name? Nope, You got to have a name from this list. Considering Tropico's Useful and Humorous Traits from the past, these really aren't traits. They also slimmed down the traits to around 8. And some of those don't even make sense, You can dress as an Astronaut in Colonial Times. The only costumes you can use in Tropico 5 limited to literally 5. Also the customisation of the characters is appalling comparing to Tropico 4, which had limited options to say the least. You feel like you've listened to the same song over and over and over, Done the same objective over and over and over. And I'm pretty sure they were making Cigars and Rum before "The Great Wars" The Gameplay can feel very dull and a bit of a drag at times. You can't even get a Medical building in Colonial times, or hardly any Entertainment buildings.
#Tropico 5 bauxite upgrade
Where are you going to get a Space Program in the Colonies? But what annoys me is the fact that they didn't execute it like they did in the Modern Times DLC where you upgrade the buildings with the time. The concept of the time periods seems like an interesting idea at first but it is really poorly executed, around 80% of the buildings are locked in Colonial times, which is fair enough.

The Traits are now gone, a lot of buildings from previous games have seemed to disappear, hardly any of the buildings look different from each other (Even Shacks look the same).
#Tropico 5 bauxite series
To me as a fan of Tropico since #1, Tropico 5 has seemed to have thrown out all the old stuff that has been in the series since the Original Tropico. The Traits are now gone, a lot of buildings from previous games have seemed to disappear, hardly any of the buildings look different from each other (Even Shacks look the A few dollops of new paint has refreshed the series! Or has it. A few dollops of new paint has refreshed the series! Or has it.